FIBA Events

Cocktail de la rentrée

  • Thursday 13th September 6.45pm
  • PwC - Grand Hôtel Dieu, Lyon 2
  • Discover PwC’s office of the future!
    A paperless, nomad style work space on three levels of the design award winning Grand Hôtel Dieu has been introduced by PwC. Discover how it works and how the staff have learned to adapt their habits and schedules in this beautiful and revolutionary environment. The presentation and guided tour at 6.45pm will be followed by a cocktail buffet on the 13th September.

    This event is open to members and one guest only. So sign up quickly!! If you haven’t paid your membership for 2018 you can do so here (membership is valid for a full 12 months from the date of payment)

  • Please click here to book